
Tags: kyokushin training

Second day.  I was able to complete kihon without feeling too bad or tired.  This time I was invited to kumite.

First I fought a black belt and I guess I was going a bit hard because he told me that he would give me 10% more of whatever I gave him.  I really had no strategy I just wanted to try to get on the inside and then hit and keep my guard up so I would not get kicked in the head.

Next I fought a brown belt.  He went really easy on me.  Last I fought another black belt.  That fight was fun because the didn’t go to hard on me and we exchanged kicks and punches, I saw it more like a chess match.

I feel I have a lot to re-learn.  I used to be able to just fight before and knew what to do ones I got in the inside.  This time around I have no idea what I’m doing.  I also found out that my good friend Takashi now has a dojo on Sawtelle.  I really want to go see him but I really need to be in better shape.

Last Updated: 5/21/2019, 12:58:44 PM