
Tags: kyokushin training

Third day. I almost didn’t make it.  I hurt myself jumping rope.  I guess I’m not young anymore and I really need to stretch before doing any exercise.  I was glad I went.  Kihon wasn’t too bad.

We also got to do some bag work and then some really light kumite (3 point kumite)  that was okay.  Finally we ended with some kata.  I was really bad at kata when I was in my teens this time around I plan on really focusing on it.

I looked around and everyone has good kata, I feel like I am with a bunch of kata pros. I also started up the pushup club at the end of class.  We use to do this back in the day. I have a few thoughts this week.  I really need to stretch and focus on kata.

Last Updated: 5/21/2019, 12:58:44 PM