
Tags: learning organization

I feel really disorganized right now. Well I always feel disorganized but I just let it be. I have the ability to let certain feelings just be and let them linger in the back of my head. Not sure this is a good idea. They keep coming back and nagging me. I wish there was a way to conquer these feelings. But where to begin. How to begin. What is most important. I have many systems, many lists of items but not sure how to begin.

I want to organize my house, my laptop, my projects, my life. I tried to read GTD and the very first time seemed like a really good idea and I think I even got it for a little bit. Then I went back to my old ways. I then tried again and the second time it did not have the impact I wanted. So here I am today trying to figure out a way. So what better way than to come up with a list of items I want to tackle. My lists are usually all over the place but here we go again:

  1. Organize my house.
  2. Organize my laptop.
  3. Organize my projects.
  4. Organize my life.
  5. Come up with a workflow to accomplish this
  6. Measure progress and use that to tweak workflow

So what do I do, I need to start working on some of these goals, start breaking them down into smaller tasks. I currently have a todo list and trying out a productivity technique called autofocus-system I will give that a try for a week and see how it works and will write about it in another post.

Last Updated: 5/21/2019, 12:58:44 PM