
Tags: mvc objective-c iOS programming

Was looking at objective-c the other day and noticed that the mvc design pattern is used extensively.  

When designing good oo code you want to make sure your design has clear boundaries when it comes to responsibilities.  This allows others reading/working on your code to know where to go when fixing or enhancing things.

Clear separation of concerns is only achievable if we adhere to strict boundaries. MVC is a good way to achieve this.  It splits up your application into 3 different camps, the model, the view, an the controller.

The model represents your application, the guts of your app. The controller presents a version of the model to users of your application via its views.  This allows you to reuse your model across different platforms.  The controllers are platform specific and manage platform specific views.

In objective-c you will have multiple groups of mvcs, all working together to perform any tasks your application is required to perform.

Last Updated: 5/21/2019, 12:58:44 PM