
Tags: social skills learning life

Was recently checking my email and came across a course which claims to help you talk to anyone. This is a topic I have recently been interested in.

I was going to look into taking the course but I was too late and missed out. I have not been able to meet these deadlines recently. I was wanting to sign up for an upcoming half marathon and again I was too late.

Not sure if deep down inside I don't really want to be on time and maybe I'm unconsciously sabotaging myself.

Anyways I really want to learn how I can improve my social skills. I found some videos online, one of them gave 3 items of advice.

  1. Smile more
  2. Speak slower
  3. Ask more questions

I think the one about smiling means to smile as you speak. I remember one time being at a bank and the banking girl kept smiling and almost on every word she said there was a smile attached to it. It was really amazing and made me feel like she was happy to be talking to me. So maybe that is what the advice means to smile as you speak to someone.

Speaking slower totally makes sense to me. Sometimes when I'm nervous I tend to speed up and mumble my words and then I have to repeat myself and it makes me feel like a total looser.

The last last advice about asking more question shouldn't be a problem. I think I may actually ask too many question and what I probably need to do is calibrate myself and ask enough questions.

Last Updated: 5/21/2019, 1:44:44 PM