
Tags: organization learning productive running

In an effort to become more productive, I started to look into tracking my daily activities, to see where I spent most of my time and see if there are some improvements I can make.

This all came about because of my recent race challenges.  Around mile 21, my body starts to break-down and I find it really difficult to finish my races.

I want to see what my routine is and see If I can tweak my activities, (running, nutrition, sleep, rest) to help me improve my performance on race day.

There are many apps that track activities, however I don't know how to start so I will just start by logging some values. I will log activity,start time, end time, my mood, using Numbers on my mac.  If I see that it works I may create myself an iOS app to track and go from there. Let's see how it goes.

Last Updated: 5/21/2019, 12:58:44 PM