
Tags: focus mts (mixed technology stack) programming

In this day in age, if we want to work in the web space, we must know not only backend programming languages (php,java, python, etc ) but also front-end ones, like javascript and css.

I always find it difficult to begin.  Where to begin, should I start with css or with javascript or with usability?  I have began at many different places in the past and tend to jump around as the need arises and only learn that which is needed immediately, instant gratification 😅.

This method has left feeling a bit confused, without any real power to build something anything in any one technology and not being able to follow through exploring what the real limits are in any given technology.

So I think I will begin at css and try to really follow through on learning it and will try not to get distracted or lured into some other technology.

It will be difficult especially if studying on the web since anything I read will surely have a link or reference to something else that is somewhat related but which leads me down another road, a road I may want to follow but which strays me away from the current road, css which is what I really want to follow. Let me put on my horse blinders so the I can stay focused.

Last Updated: 5/21/2019, 12:58:44 PM